Saturday, October 14, 2006


Hello Hello Hello!
We are in Edinburgh, Scotland, the land of haggis (too scared to try), kilts (too scared to wear) and whisky (tried a wee bit).
London lived up to our expectations - drab, dreary and cold. We spent about a week in a nice hostel on the corner of Hyde Park and did all the sites that we were supposed to see such as the Changing of the Guard (a bit over-rated), Big Ben, the Tower Bridge, London Tower etc. We also branched out and went to some weird modern art museums which were...interesting. We met up with Laura and Elise for some coffee and shopping on separate days and when I was having coffee with Elise in one of the hundred Starbucks on Oxford street we ran into Ilona! Small world hey.
Our last night in London I got a bus to Oxford to visit Cil at her boarding house which was really cool, all of her gappies are really friendly, the place is nice and they get a lot of free food! I went to visit the Harry Potter school but the man at the gate said that the dining hall was closed so it would be a waste of time, but I did see it from the outside!

In the end we decided that London was far too big, daunting and expensive for us so we got a bus ticket north to Edinburgh. We got about 10 minutes sleep on the bus because we managed to bag ourselves seats next to the toilet (good idea.) When we arrived we walked the wrong way to the hostel that we had booked for the next few nights, on the way back up the hill however, we were stopped by a short, old man named Gordon. Gordon wanted to know if we had anywhere to stay. We said yes. He then asked if we wanted a job. We said yes. So he asked us to housesit his house for the next two weeks while he went on holiday and run his 'hostel' (which turned out to be a few spare rooms full of mattresses). So we got into his car and he cooked us some oil for breakfast (there were some sausages somewhere in there).

The next day, Gordon and his wife left and we had a house for the next few weeks! We got ourselves some local sim cards and started applying for jobs. We have joined recruiting agencies and gone through the humiliating process of handing out resumes, now we play the waiting game. So far I have a weekend job making coffee but it isn't quite enough to pay the bills at the moment so we're still looking. Edinburgh is really nice, the people have been really friendly (sometimes scarily so). Its going to get really cold over the winter though, we've been told its pretty depressing.

Well, hopefully we'll have a proper job and a place to stay in the next few weeks! We'll keep you posted,
Annette and Jack


Pat and Jeanette said...

Hey guys!
Good to see a new blogpost! Good luck with the jobs, the cold and the bills!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I haven't visited this site for ages! sorry sorry sorry!!! How's it going? My Grandma is from Glasgow in Scotland so you should go visit there and tell me what its like! I hope you find accomodation you like soon. How's job hunting going? I hope things aren't too stressful and your still happy. Talk to soon! Got to go!
xoxoxo love you lots and lots and lots miss you heaps xoxoxox
Love Meg