Sunday, January 21, 2007


On a cold and stormy night about two weeks ago, Jack and I were sitting on the couch watching 'Sex and the City' (Emma bought the box can't escape it!) when Jack got a call on his mobile asking us out for drinks...
We went to a bar where one of the guys from All Bar One works as well. After a few cocktails, Peter and Alex, a Polish couple, asked us to visit their home in Poland the next week. After a few more cocktails, we decided to go to Poland!

The next Monday evening we took the last train to Glasgow and settled into a nice corner on the floor at the airport to sleep so that we would be there for our check-in at 5am. At 7am on Tuesday we boarded our Ryan-Air no-frills plane and, a few hours later, we were in Poland!

We went to a city called Wraclaw (pronounced something like wrvartsvav...i never got the hang of it)and stayed with Peter's family who lived a few hours out of town. Peter's mum picked us up at the airport and we drove to his house and then straight to the hairdresser. After about 3 hours of having our hair done (i fell asleep while they were washing it in the sink..turns out sleeping at airports doesn't really do the job) we went home and had 20 minutes to get ready for Peter's brother Lucas's birthday party. We drove back into the city and arrived at Lucas' flat.

After about 5 minutes we had been given approximately 5 shots of vodka, the Polish certainly know how to drink! After a while at Lucas' we all went out in Wraclaw and spent the night in a hostel. The next day we rose early to take advantage of the cheap shopping and spent the entire day visiting different shopping malls. That night we slept very well.

On Thursday we were back in Peter and Alex's small town and drove to the border of Czech to walk in the mountains. It was beautiful. Unfortunately we couldn't go skiing because (for the first time in at least 60 years!) there was no snow.

In the evening we crossed the border to the Czech republic for dinner with Peter and Alex's families. When we told the waitress we were from Australia she disapeared and returned with two double shots of 50% alcohol for free!

We left early on Friday morning and came back to Edinburgh. It was only a short trip but we had a really good time and we're very glad that we went. Jack is working his last shift at All Bar One at the moment and I have 3 more left at Starbucks. On Tuesday we are having a party for Jack's 21st and for us leaving and then on Thursday we are hiring a car and driving around the Scottish highlands for 5 days, hopefully we don't get bogged down by all the snow!

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